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About Us

The Canadian Armed Forces Combat Camera (CAFCC) team has been telling the story of Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) operations since 1990. Our teams deploy at a moment’s notice to transmit and distribute high quality imagery of our armed forces to support the 24/7 digital news cycle.

CAFCC’s mandate is first and foremost to support Government of Canada, DND and CAF strategic communications objectives, principally through Public Affairs and imagery support to domestic and expeditionary operations, as well as major exercises of interest to national-level audiences.

The CAFCC team is composed of highly skilled imagery technicians, public affairs officers, and civilian specialists who work closely with CAF units to highlight the hard work and dedication of CAF members in the air, on land and at sea. Recently, the Imaging Systems Program Management (ISPM) and National Defence Imagery Library(NDIL) have recently joined the CAFCC team.

Deploying around the world, sometimes on very short notice, CAFCC provides a high-impact visual account of the latest CAF operations and exercises, both at home and abroad. We support strategic communication objectives via visual storytelling and safeguard our stories in the form of invaluable historic records in photography and videography. We provide:

  • access to the imagery of CAF operations, either domestic or international through Flickr, Vimeo, the CAFCC Image Library, and various social media accounts;
  • imagery and live interview support to national and international media;
  • public affairs imagery to support CAF strategic communication efforts;
  • support to deployed Imagery Technicians with imagery distribution through the CAF Image Gallery;
  • specialised, independent operational capabilities in austere and semi-austere environments such as Arctic operations, as well as underwater imagery and aerial drone imagery;
  • management and access to more than 1,000,000 imagery assets via the CAF National Defence Image Library;
  • central support of more than 200+ imagery techs across the 60 imagery sections in Canada and deployed around the world on multiple named operations, who receive their equipment, software, technical support, and policy from the CAF imagery team, more specifically, ISPM;
  • life Cycle Material Management (LCMM) of equipment to imagery technicians, from assessing future capabilities, through testing and evaluation of new equipment, procurement, into maintenance and support, and end of life disposal.
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